In the Company Profit Trainings facilitated by Kastoori Shetty, we start analyzing your business, employees and your growth ratio.
You can choose to have a trainer come to your business for an in-person workshop, or you can complete your workshop online and on your own schedule. As the business owner, you will be equipped with the tools you need to implement your team’s training and maximize your investment through six months of 1:1 Personalised coaching cum Training.
We design customised workshops for companys growth after doing TNA (Training Needs Analysis). During these period of business workshop, you and your team will receive business training in each of Kastoori Shetty’ six core business competencies.

Each month, our trainer will deliver into each of these six topics: emotional mastery, hiring and training your ideal team, Kastoori’s Six-step sales growth roadmap, maximizing your team’s time, efficiency and productivity, your organization’s optimal workflow and Mindseeds 7 Steps to Effective Leadership.